We’ll Give You “Moore” For Less!
Copyright Moore Techworkz, LLC. All RIghts Reserved ©2018
PC & Mac Repair
Computer moving slower than you normal? Too many pop-ups? The dreaded BSOD? Locked out
of your computer due to lost password? We’re here to help! No matter the issue, we will be
glad to get you back on the right track.
Data Recovery & Backup
We’ve all been there:
A long day of work, about to hit the Save button and accidentally hit Delete……….
All of your vacation pics and videos just suddenly *pooF*, gone………..
We will be happy to recover your lost files and even back them up for you to make sure that
your precious work and memories don’t disappear again!
Software Installation
You just bought that new piece of software for your computer and you are not sure what to do
or even where to begin. That’s where Moore Techworkz, LLC steps in!
We will make sure that it is compatible for your needs and if not, we will even make
recommendations about how to get what fits your needs!
Custom Build Computers
Are your still running that trusty computer with Windows 7 and you are ready to upgrade, but
you would rather build than buy? Do you have an old gaming rig and you are ready to build your
dream machine? Let us help you!
We will sit down with you and design a machine that will fit whatever you need it to do. We will
discuss prices, software to be installed, hardware requirements, the WORKS!!!
Software Development
You’ve searched far and wide and can’t find the software that you need for your business. So,
why not let Moore Techworkz, LLC create it for you!
We will make sure that it is compatible for your needs and if not, we will keep making the
changes that you need to get that custom fit. Plus, we will maintain it for you as well!